Sunday, November 23, 2014


I'm going to do this post at the beginning of the week as we will be traveling this week for Thanksgiving.

This boy loves his blankets. Those squinty, smiling eyes are my favorite.

Have I mentioned he LOVES cars?

We hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
Can't wait to see you Wilson's!

Citrus Lane

 Liam's Citrus Lane delivery this month was perfect! We got a divided plate, which has ended up in way less food on the floor, one of my favorite brands of bibs, a wooden car, and a really cute and colorful book.

We love Citrus Lane and are excited that we will be getting deliveries next year as well. Thanks Grams!


November looked weird the other day. This.Never.Happens.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Walking Baby

His newest trick.

Ummmm.....I think you're supposed to be IN the basket though buddy.

Ninth out of Fifty

Oh how I love these book posts. I love preparing for them by giving Liam the book and watching him look it over and flip through the pages. I hope his love for books continues to grow!

The ninth book out of fifty books to read before you turn 5 is Olivia by Ian Falconer.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sabres Baby

To our Buffalo Sabres family,

We have loved all of our official sports gear. This's adorable and has been well loved--now it has most definitely become too small. We had one last hoorah before I retire it to the attic.



See you all SOON!

Something awe-inspiring happening? No, just the kitty's laser pointer. He has is mastered and it's glorious. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Our weekend

Wow, there's about 4 posts here for you to catch up on!

My guys....I love them.

Oh the adorable point.

I'm waiting for Camelbak to contact me about buying this picture for an ad. I'll let you know.
 These next two pictures are perfect examples of why we call him our puppy dog.


Wow this year is quickly coming to a close! I can't believe how fast time flies now. The statement behind this entire portrait project is true...The days are long but the years are fast.

He LOVES this smoking table. He is constantly opening and closing the tiny door and taking things in and out. My keys, which used to rest on top but now rest on the mantle because he turned my car alarm on too many times, were a favorite item to play with.

Eighth out of Fifty

Wow it's been a while since I posted a book post. We have a list of 50 books to read before you turn 5 and I'm determined to get Liam's picture with every single one of them. He loves turning pages in real books now, his books or ours, he doesn't discriminate.

We just got this book in October in the mail from Dolly Parton's Books from Birth program.

Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann


Because how could I not post this one, I mean, that face? C'mon!

EVERY SINGLE wheel gets this much excitement. Seriously.